Shining Skin Egg Signature Glow Treatment (EGG's one and only Special Skin Booster) 

Pore Reduction, Skin Regneration, and Glowing Skin

Everything in One Special Skin Booster

Egg Signature Glow Treatment

(Botox Mixed Treatment)

Egg Signature Glow Treatment
₩ 250,000

1 time

Egg Signature Glow Treatment
₩ 540,000₩ 750,000


3 times

Sinsa Egg Clinic

ⓒ 2020 Sinsa Egg Clinic

Sinsa Egg Clinic | Chief Doctor Dongjun Kim 
| 613, Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea , 6th Floor Sinsa Egg Clinic 
Company Registration Number 351-12-01050 | Tel. 02-542-5540

Fax. 02-542-5541 |

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신사에그의원(Egg Clinic)

ⓒ 2020 신사에그의원 (Egg Clinic)

Sinsa Egg Clinic | Chief Director Dongjun Kim | 613, Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea , 6th Floor Sinsa Egg Clinic
Company Registration Number 351-12-01050 | Tel. 02-542-5540

Fax. 02-542-5541 |

Access on the website through Internet Explorer may cause errors.

For a better access we recommend the use of Google Chrome or Microsoft.